Sunday, February 4, 2007

Mark Burman / Eric Ricart / MEB / Macro Prod Services

MEB Entertainment has not paid their crew and cast from their last feature, Gravedigger, in October.
They embezzled money off the budget to pay for a different film, and then claimed that someone else didn't pay them money they were owed. They owe dozens of people tens of thousands of dollars.

They operate under the shady front company called Marcro Production Services. They never return phone calls, and send out occasional emails saying to be patient. People should not work for MEB, Macro, Mark Burman(producer) or Eric Ricart(line producer).


Film Girl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Threaten to call the labor board and file a small claims suit and this production will pay. It took me two months but it worked.

working stiff said...

i too have not been paid by mark burman/eric riccart. this is the last straw...i am sueing them and i have a real good attorney.

working stiff said...

previous comment is mine...and it has been over a year...PAY YOUR BILLS ASS

working stiff said...

if anyone has a picture of mark burman, the producer of your name here and other films that he has not paid people for, please post the pic so the bounty hunter can locate him and prosicute him for his crimes

Unknown said...

i was always paid by them

Jones A Day said...

he scammed my sister out of thousands. you can find his pix at

...someone should tell those folks who he really is.

Jones A Day said...

Here is where your money went:

Burman Owes Me Money said...

Well, as you can tell by name- he owes me as well. Bounced checks and all. I am considering starting up a facebook page for everyone who Burman owes. With this page we can warn others to not do business with him. It's a good way to also contact his friends and current associates and warn them as well.

Is there any interest in this?

Annette said...

My son did a short internet film with these people March 2008.He is very young and new to this buisness and was so excited to get his first pay check ever,of course his check bounced and I've been trying to recover his money ever since.I think its such a shame that these scum bags are getting away ripping hard working people off.I think we should collectively sue them and bring them down.

conartisttracker said...

Mark Burman is nothing short of a con artist. He owes many, many people and preys on naiive investors and women to keep his "schtick" going. I believe Eric Ricart was just an innocent cover Mark used to manipulate people. I hear through the grapevine Eric has broken it off with him because he could not tolerate Mark's unscrupulous rip-offs of people.

mchatow said...

Writing a check without sufficient funds may be a crime. If you believe you were a victim of criminal conduct, you should bring the matter to the attention of the police department, sheriff's office or the district attorney in the county where the alleged conduct took place.

California Civil Code section 1719 allows the receiver of a bad check to recover three times the amount of the check, up to $1500, in civil court if sufficient notice is mailed or delivered to the person who wrote the check. The damages are in addition to collecting the value of the check and they could include court and mailing costs. A cause of action under this law may be brought in small claims court, if the claim does not exceed $5,000, or in any other court of jurisdiction depending on the amount of the transaction.

If you have further questions regarding available civil remedies,you may want to consult a private attorney.

Please feel free to post again here if you'd like additional information.

conartisttracker said...

Good luck with tracking down Burman. Everyone and his brother want a piece of this guy. He has no long time friends or business associates, including investors and partners he is on good terms with. Hear he was bootstrapping up the GOP until they figured him out. Bad idea to try to con a Republican. Now one of them is suing him. He is always on the move, always borrowing money (often women's) and always looking for new prey. You can find him fishing for new victims on Facebook or in AA meetings (another cover).

conartisttracker said...

To Burman Owes Me Money=Start a Facebook page-good idea!

Burman Hunter said...

I too am a victim of one of Burman's schemes and believe that payback is long overdue.

It's unfortunate that the system works in favor of scumbags like Shark Burman as it only allows people with money the opportunity to sue. Te rest of us are stuck with an expensive lesson and whatever strife comes with it.

I for one think a Facebook page is a great idea. If it could prevent at least one person from doing business with that piece of shit, it will at least bring some justice to the world.

Aaronia said...

Mark Burman is now working for us as a producer on a film down in Austin, Texas. He is staying at the Springhill Suites in Austin. He will be here for about two more weeks.

Aaronia said...

I'm not certain why they did not post my last
comment giving you this information, but Mark & Eric are working on film in Austin, TX. For additional information, go to

MARCO'S BLOG said...

I currently working with Charles and despite the previous comments he is a great person to work with. We worked on a few independent projects, with no pay, but the cast and crew all knew this before being involved in production. I find it sad that he was even put on a site like this bc he is truly a nice guy, good director and has been honest about his working habits since the day i met him. This is a tough biz already without having to slander somebody's name...that's just mean. God Bless.

Unknown said...

I worked with both of these guys on the film in Austin, and would do it again anytime.

Stephen said...

I have worked with Mark Burman on over half a dozen films. I have never experienced ANY of the problems described here. He was a pleasure to work with, extremely professional and timely in his payments to everyone on the crew. Many of these comments were written by the same person under different names. Please do not be deceived; Mark is a great producer and great contact to have in the industry.

Legacydogar said...

Mark Burman is not only incapable of producing a movie, but when we sent someone down there to see if we could help salvage the movie project, he tried to "beat up" our producer and if a couple of guys hadn't held him back, he would have done so.
Beware of this person!! I would not trust him to be in charge of anything that had to do with money.

Martha said...

These comments are completely absurd. I find it ridiculous that they continue to be published when they are clearly written by one or two people. Mark and I have worked on countless projects together, and he is by far my favorite producer in the industry. Tough, fair, and always on point, he is a blessing to any project. Shame on all of you who are working to defame his reputation for your personal gain.

Unknown said...

I was the DoP on "Gravediggers" no presently "Goy", I can tell you that I am owed from that production almost $2000 in back pay and expenses. I have never tried recouping the losses from a legal standpoint but know of other's who have.
Everything that folks are saying about M. Burman is correct. He as so many other's in this town are complete charlatans. They are a virus that have given small independent projects a bad name. My suggestion is to do your homework before excepting any work from the likes of people like Burman. The sooner he has no work the sooner he will slink back to his hole under a large rock

Legacydogar said...

I was a producer on the film "Beatdown" with Mark Burman in Austin, TX and woman that was running the show put him in charge of the money. We went $100K over budget and no one knows where that money went. When I tried question him about the discrepancies in the expenses, he tried to "beat me up" as he put it and probably would have if some of the crew hadn't grabbed him and stopped him.

Unknown said...

Does anyone have a picture of Mark Burman?

Aaronia said...

I tried to find a picture of him on IMDb and strangely enough, I could not find one photo of him on any of his so-called movies. You might try the police blotter. I can tell you that I have received several calls from people who said they had been conned out of money by this guy. You would think that somewhere on the internet there would be a photograph of him.

Aaronia said...

Mark Burman was in charge of the money and issued all checks and had complete control of all of the finances. When the film was finished, the film was $150,000 over budget. Need I say more?

Karleen A. Jung said...

For his photo, search on LinkedIn for Mark Burman and MEB Capital. There's a photo posted there.

Unknown said...

Mark Burman owes me over 7K and does not respond to any of my emails or phone calls.

He is a sad agree man.

Aaronia said...

Join the crowd. He has screwed so many people that you couldn't keep track of all of them. Years later we found out that he took money from an account because he had an ATM card.

Aaronia said...

He has screwed so many people that I couldn't keep track of all of them. He had an ATM card and took out several thousand dollars but didn't realize what he had done until years later. I'm surprised that they haven't nailed him yet for fraud.